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We thank you for making a direct impact to affect change in the lives of the families we serve. We are currently planning for future offerings to further our support our clients. This includes community programs, providing discounted and/or free rides to families visiting their loved ones who are incarcerated and expanding our presence in cities we operate in. Your donation will directly support these causes and communities. We thank you in advance for your generous donation and consideration. If you would like to discuss collaboration opportunities or sponsor a family or ride under the name of your company, please leave us an inquiry here.

Support Our Cause

Your donations will help us to strengthen communities, reunite families and reduce recidivism

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Thank you for your donation!


We are thankful to our current sponsorship partners and the ones yet to join us. Please contact us to discuss sponsorship opportunities and the causes your sponsorship supports.


We extend our gratitude to our collaboration partners who make it an important goal to support incarcerated families, their loved ones and the communities we are a part of. If you are interested in collaborating with us, please contact us to discuss your plans and collaboration goals. 


Thank you Art Laboe Connection!


Listen-in Sundays 6pm - Midnight


Community Relations are a vital part of who we are. While we currently work within local community service, we aim to work with more organizations and initiatives. Our plan is to increase our community service participation by 20% before 2023.


We utilize lateral service to provide resources to families and aid in deterring recidivism; whether it is job opportunities, scholarship and educational resources for the youth or more tangible opportunities.  We have developed a loyalty program for our consumers to offset the costs of rides and allowing them to redeem points for gift cards and other gifts. We also are developing gift cards that can be purchased as gifts for others.

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